iPad Circulation Policy


iPads are available for borrowing at the Midtown, Bay Shore and Midwood library locations. 


A current barcoded Touro ID or library card is required to check out iPads to those who maintain a valid library account in good standing. An iPad Loan Agreement must be read, agreed to, and signed.

Loan Period

The loan period is 7 days for students, staff, and faculty. iPads must be checked out and dropped off during regular library hours. iPads are not eligible for renewal. iPads must be returned to the library circulation desk from where they originated.

Fines and Damages

A $15 late fee will be assessed for each day the iPad is returned past its due date. Fines will be recorded on the borrower’s library record and may result in borrowing and registration restrictions.

The working condition of the iPad will be assessed before checkout and upon its return. Users are responsible for damage to and/or loss or theft of loaned unit. Users are required to report any problems experienced with the iPad during their borrowing period.

The replacement cost for a lost, stolen, or damaged iPad is $800. If an iPad is 3 days overdue it is considered lost or stolen and the borrower will be charged for its replacement.

A charge of $40 will be assessed for each lost power cord and adapter; $50 for a lost case. Damage charges will be assessed based on actual repair costs.

Borrower Responsibility

Prior to checking out equipment you must:

  • Complete the iPad Loan Agreement form in which you acknowledge responsibility for the equipment checked out under your name.
  • Provide current and valid Touro ID.

Please Remember:

  • You are financially responsible for full replacement cost of all equipment checked out to you, if lost or stolen during the checkout period.
  • Full repair costs will be charged if the equipment is damaged, including spills from food or drink.
  • Damage or replacement charges will be charged directly to your Touro account.
  • Never leave equipment unattended while it is checked out to you!
  • All files should be stored on external storage i.e. flash drive, email, etc. prior to the return of the equipment. The Touro library does not assume any responsibility for files stored on the hard disk. Please do not store files or logins on the equipment. Once the equipment is reset, all files will be deleted.
  • Touro College Library is not responsible for any computer viruses that may be transferred.
  • Personal software may not be loaded onto iPads at any time.
  • Violations of above policies will be grounds for refusal of service in the future, and/or fines.